TCM Approches

Chinese Acupuncture

Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medical technique for unblocking chi (chi or qi] by inserting needles at particular points on the body to balance the opposing forces of yin and yang. Chi is an energy that allegedly permeates all things. It is believed to flow the body along 14 main pathways called meridians. When yin and yang are in Harmony, chi or flows freely within the body and a person is healthy. When a person is sick.diseased.or injured, there is an obstruction of chi along ne of the meridians.

Tung’s Acupuncture

Tung's Acupuncture is one of lineage of classical Chinese medicine and independent of the TCM movement. it is fairly well known in Taiwan, the final home of the last member of the Tung lineage to practice medicine, although it has only recently gained notoriety in the west. The most prominent feature of Tung's acupuncture is the Tung family's set of points, which Master Tung termed "orthodox channel extra (curious) points". While some of these points lie in approximately the same location as some of the conventional points of 14 channel meridians, the majority of Tung's points are in unique locations, and even when analogous to conventional points have different point groupings and functions. this approach with its unique Dao ma needle technique is very effective for some pains and other conditions.

Auricular Acupuncture Scalp Acupuncture

Also called ear acupuncture, a variation of traditional acupuncture. It is a method of diagnosis and treatment based on the unsubstantiated belief that the ear is the map of the bodily organs.A problem with an organ such as the liver is to be treated by sticking a needle into a certain point on the ear that is supposed to be the corresponding point for that organ. Another variation of this method is Scalp acupuncture with which acupuncturist puts staples at key points on the ear hoping to do such things as help people stop smoking, losing weight.

Five Element Acupuncture

Five Element theory is one of the major system of thought within traditional Chinese medicine.Also referred to as the“five phase”theory by some practitioners. Five Element theory has been used for more than 2,000 years as a method of diagnosis and treatment. While it is an important component of traditional Chinese medicine, today Five Element theory is not used by every acupuncturist and doctor of Oriental medicine; rather, it is employed to a certain degree, depending on the practitioner's training and education,and the style of acupuncture that she or he practices. Therefore, the 5 Element acupuncture is a style of acupuncture that worts at the levels of both body, mind, heart and spirit!

Acupressure /Chinese Massage

Benefits of Chinese Massage: Chinese massage is not intended to be an pernpering or relaxation. It is a form of deep tissue therapy that conveys the following benefits:
---speeding the healing of injuries and clearing bruises.
---stimulating blood circulation and regulating the nervous system.
---removing sear tissue.
---easing emotional distress.
---curing some conditions affecting the internal organs.
---increasing flexibility in the joints and improving posture.
---relieving chronic pain.
---maintaining wellness and functioning as a form of preventive care.
---improving athletic performance.
---strengthening the body's resistance to disease.
---other benefits include the fact that some forms of Chinese massage do not require.

Cupping Therapy

Have you noticed the circular marks on the backs and shoulders of Olympic gold medalist Michael Phelps and many other athletes members of the men’s gymnastic team? If you did ,your question might be what are those circular bruises on them? What's for?
Good question ! Those circles are the Benefits of Cupping end product of a healing technique called cupping. Cupping is a form of the traditional Chinese medicine: that have used for thousand years.
The benefits of cupping are many. On a general, systemic level, cupping improves the circulation of blood and lymph. It also regulates and improves the functioning of the autonomic nervous system. Locally, the most obvious benefit of cupping is a r:lief of pain and relaxation and increasing suppleness of the stiff tendons and muscles. Cupping Increased the cleansing flow of lymph, while removing congested blood from the muscles. If cupping is applied to the joints, the blood flow to the joint is increased and there's an increased secretion of synovial fluid into the joint cavity Cupping has numerous other benefits---it can help remove toxines from the body and stimulate the flow of fresh blood, lymph, and Qi to the effected area and throughout the body. It often works wonders for patients with the flu, colds, coughs, back and muscle pain, poor circulation, anxiety, red itchy skin conditions (though cups are not applied to Inflamed areas}, allergies, fevers, aches and myriad other pains. Cupping's effect on the digestive organs is to increase their digestive secretions and enhance their peristaltic movement So it can awaken the appetite, strengthen the stomach and digestion, improve the bile flow and metabolism, relieve constipation and promote:Regularity of the bowels.Cupping also has a dramatic detoxicating effect on the skin and circulatory system. By increasing the flow of blood and plasma through the veins and arteries, cupping enhances the cleansing and removal of toxins. This ‘Detoxification’ may not be observable after just one treatment, but after about three to five treatments, there will be a noticeable improvement in the site of one's cupping associated.

The applications for the cupping

As you impressed, Athletes usually use cupping as a secret weapon. They are always looking for methods to naturally improve health and performance; Tennis ace Andy Murray said he used cupping in conjunction with other treatments to relieve stiffness and to help address back injury. Meta baseball players have also adopted the treatment in couple years ago. The Wall Street Journal reported on the multitude of Mets players using cupping. The trend started for them after their teammate Daisuke Matauzake appeared in the locker room with cupping marks.The 33-year-old player started cupping about two years ago and was quoted in WSJ saying“As an athlete, I want to play as long as possible. In order to do that, I need to find ways to protect my body. I'm always looking for something that might be better.”Right now, more athletes have turned to cupping,
their fans ,too. But cupping is not just for movie stars and athletes.....cupping is highly beneficial for everyone.
Cupping provides relief for many other health conditions if you seek relief from stress, pain, allergies, fatigue, flu,colds, back pain, anxiety, muscle aches, red itchy skin conditions or fever...

Even if considered safe, cupping is not for everyone. There are some Absolute Contraindications:
---Skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, or Excessive dry or cracked skin dermatitis in the area to be treated.
---Open wounds, cuts, or burns or ulcer on the skin.
---Abcess, Excessive swelling or edema
---Fractured bone, Dislocated joint,Muscle dystrophy, severe malnutrition.
---Blood clotting disorders or the use of blood-thinning medications,Severe anemia.
---Pregnancy or menstruation.
---Varicose veins or other vascular disorders.
---Severe medical conditions such as cancer or organ failure or Pacemaker.
---Patients with fear of blood or bleeding, empty stomach, <7 years of age for wet cupping and < 2 years of age for dry cupping.

Chinese Herbal Products

Chinese Herbal products have been studied for many medical problems including stroke,heart disease,mental disorders and respiratory diseases such as common cold,bronchitis and more other conditions. Due to the quality control of the studies, there was no firm conclusions can be made about their effectiveness. While in Asia, it is a popular approach to treat wide variety of health disorders for over 3000 years. Therefore, under the most common circumstance, this approach is evitable to be safe, at least in Asia. In our office, only the herbal products approved by FDA will be distributed. If interesting, you are highly recommended to review NCCIH’s Herbs at a Glance webpage for more information about specific herbs.

36 W Village Green, Suite B,
Hicksville, NY 11801

Phone: 516-965-6990

We accept the following insurances:

---Empire(Anthem) Blue sheild and Blue cross commercial plans

---United Healthcare COmmercial plans

---Empire Plan(NYSHIP)


What our patients say:


"Dr. Wang is terrific. She is very professional, she explains everythind she is doing and why,and she gets results. I had never tried acupuncture before,but after traditional medicine. couldn't help my chronic lower back pain i went to Dr. Wnag. Her treatments relieved my pain for the first time in a long time. I highly recommend her." 

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